Akita International University - UC Berkeley
Project-Based Learning Course 2016

​February 2
February 29
March 31
May 5
June 20
July 15
August 31
Information Meeting
Application deadline
Independent Study Abroad
(ISA) Registration
Course begins
Course ends
AIU sends official transcripts​
Transnational Community and Immigrant Incorporation in Japan and the U.S.
Special Four-Week Summer AIU-UCB PBL Course, June 20 to July 15, 2016
In collaboration with the Akita International University (AIU), Akita Prefecture, Japan, the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) announces a special four-week course from June 20 to July 15, 2016 to be held at UC Berkeley and AIU, Akita. The course addresses international migration, formation of transnational communities, and immigrant incorporation rapidly unfolding in East Asia, especially Japan, in comparison with the immigration experience in the United States.
A total of five successful Berkeley applicants will join their five Japanese AIU counterparts to form a class for lectures and field trips in the Bay Area and Akita. The funding for the course is provided by a grant from the Center for Japanese Studies that enables us to partially compensate the costs for participating Berkeley students’ travelling, lodgings, and field trips. CJS encourages all Berkeley students of diverse backgrounds and fields who are interested to apply for this exciting international and comparative course in the summer of 2016.

This is our third year offering the PBL course, which began in 2014. For more information, see Past Participant Experiences.
The Project-Based Learning (PBL) method is a comprehensive approach to instruction where students participate in projects and practice an interdisciplinary array of skills. This proposed PBL course will provide opportunities to selected students from AIU and UC Berkeley for field-based learning experiences both in Japan and the United States.